Brutal Legend Concept Art

Brutal Legend Concept Art

Early concept art for the Tainted Coil shows a gigantic demon in the background, resembling Dio's mascot Murray. As Ronnie James Dio was to be the original voice actor for Doviculus, its possible this was an early design for the demon Emperor. Brutal Legend Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

Estimated Difficulty: 4/10Offline: 47Online: 3Approximate time: 30-40 hoursMinimum number of playthroughs: 1 (If you start on Brutal Difficulty).Missable Achievements: noneGlitched Achievements: noneI would recommend starting on Brutal Difficulty as the game isn't very hard, and it can be completed easily. It's probably best to complete the story first, and then go for the collectibles. Don't worry about missing any achievements, once you complete the game, you are free to roam around the map and finish any side missions or collect any collectibles you still need.This is a map of all collectibles in the game, refer to this map if you need help finding any of the collectibles.

Groupie:Completed the Campaign mode on Easy- See Legend.Roadie:Completed the Campaign mode on Normal- See Legend.Legend:Completed the Campaign mode on Brutal- Like I said up above in the overview, I recommend starting on Brutal difficulty as the game isn't very hard, you will be able to complete it just fine. Overkill:Completed all hunting secondary missions.- The Hunter can be found in BladeHenge next to the Iron cross, once you complete about four missions for him, he will move locations.

He then will be found in the Ironheade camp in Death's clutch. The hunter gives you a mission to kill a certain amount of an enemy. They are as follows:. Ground Urchins, must kill 21. Found in Bladehenge. Raptor Elk, must kill 16.

Found in Bladehenge. Razorfire Boar, must kill 1. Found in Razor plains. Tollusk, must kill 6. Found in the Western Continent. Reaper Steed, must kill 16.

Found in the Dry Ice Mines. Laser Panther, must kill 6. Found in the Jungle. Sickle Wraith, must kill 11. Found in the Black Tear Region.

Guillortar, must kill 6. Found in the Dry Ice Mines. Hextadon, must kill 4. Found in Death's Clutch.Squeal Like A Chicken:Completed all racing secondary missions.- I recommend doing the races once The Deuce is fully upgraded. The most annoying part about this is, if you happen to touch Fletus' car, your car will go out of control. However, the races are super easy, especially when The Deuce is fully upgraded.Protector:Completed 20 ambush, outpost defense, or mortar secondary missions.- You only need to complete a total of 20 missions, it can be any combination of the three missions. Their pretty easy, especially if you have a good weapon.Metal God:Achieved 100% completion on the stats screen.- You need to find all the collectibles, collect all Ironheade Concept art, complete all secondary missions, and buy all Motor Forge Upgrades. Rumble racing game download for pc.

Ironheade Units: You must kill a certain amount of each unit in order to get the concept art. This can be completed in single player, or multiplayer. Main Characters: Will unlock during the story. The Stage: To unlock the stage concept art, you must double team with a max level stage and wait there for about 5-10 minutes. It doesn't show up that you unlock it, you will have to check the stats screen after doing so.Serpent Samaritan:Freed 40 Bound Serpents- See Serpent SaviorSerpent Spanker:Freed 80 Bound Serpents- See Serpent SaviorSerpent Savior:Freed all 120 Bound Serpents- You can free the serpents by directing a pyro attack at them or using a power slide. For a map of all the Bound Serpent locations, please refer to Overview at the top of this guide.One Hit Wonder:Purchased 1 upgrade in the Motor Forge- See Loyal CustomerLoyal Customer:Purchase all upgrades in the Motor Forge- Paint Jobs and Mt. Rockmore Effigies do not count towards this.

For a map of all Motor Forge's, please refer to Overview at the top of this guide.Virtuoso:Learned all guitar solos- For a map of all solo locations refer to Overview at the top of this guide.Tourist:Viewed all vistas- For a map of all vistas (or landmarks marked on the map) refer to Overview at the top of this guide.Now you Must Tell the Tale:View all Legends- For a map of all Legends refer to Overview at the top of this guide.Voices From Beyond:Unlocked all songs in the Mouth of Metal- Unearthing all the buried metal grants you 12 songs. The rest will be unlocked during story mode. For a map of all Buried metal refer to Overview at the top of this guide.Flowerslave:Summoned all Motor Forges- Motor Forges all you to upgrade the Deuce, which is important when 100% the game. For a map of all Motor Forge locations refer to Overview at the top of this guide. Practice Bloody Practice:Won an AI Stage Battle on any difficulty- If you play on gentle, you will get this no problem, however Iron Fist asks you to beat an AI Stage Battle on Brutal difficulty, so if you want to kill two birds with one stone, I suggest playing on Brutal Difficulty. I would recommend completing the story first so you have a little more experience when facing the enemies.Iron Fist:Won an AI Stage Battle on Brutal difficulty- I struggled on this, but eventually got it.

I played as the Ironheade group. I spawned the beginning enemies you get and went for upgrading the stage first. Once the stage is fully upgraded, you have access to more powerful allies. It's pretty tough but after a few tries, you should be able to get it. I suggest playing through the entire story first as you should have a little more experience fighting enemies and that will make this achievement a little easier.Victor:Won a ranked multiplayer match.- See ConquererSubjugator:Won 10 ranked multiplayer matches.- See ConquererConquerer:Won 50 ranked multiplayer matches.- This game came out in 2009, so it's gonna be pretty impossible to find a partner. Luckily for me, I had a friend who needed help with the achievements. You can browse steam groups and find people that are looking to play, these achievements are the only ones you have to worry about, but if you somehow found a partner, then you have nothing to worry about.

If you found a partner, you can easily boost by quitting out once the game starts.Master of the Flame:Double teamed with every Ironheade unit.- This can be done either in the story mode, or when creating a custom match. Make sure you have your stage fully upgraded to get the stronger allies.Master of the Tear:Double teamed with every Drowning Doom unit.- This must be done in a custom match. You can even make it with no opponents to make it easier.

Spawn units, then make them take the towers. This gets you fans. Upgrade the stage fully when you can so your able to spawn the stronger allies.Master of the Blood:Double team with every Tainted Coil unit.- This must be done in a custom match.

Brutal legend creature concept art unlock

Set the match with no opponents. Spawn the first units you can. Have them take the towers. When you're able to, fully upgrade the stage, that way you have all the allies unlocked. Save up fans and buy all allies.

Just double team with every unit and the achievement will pop.Armchair General:Won a Stage Battle by yourself against the AI without attacking.- This means YOU cannot attack, however, your units can. Whenever you can, spawn as much of the strong enemies as you can to make it easier for you.

Play on gentle difficulty, it will be quicker than you think.Six Degrees of Schafer:Played with or against another player who has this achievement.- Obviously, find a player who has this achievement and play a quick round with them. Favored:Acquired 3000 Fire Tributes.- It's easiest to get when collecting the collectibles.

I wouldn't worry too much about this achievement as you should get it once you've collected all the collectibles. If for some reason you still dont have enough after collecting the last one, drive around looking for Ironheade patrols and help them kill the enemies, this is another way of collecting fire tributes.Sellout:Spent 250,000 fans- This is cumulative through story mode and multiplayer. By the end of the story, I didn't have this achievement. What I did was set a custom match against gentle AI's and took all the towers, I only bought the first set of units as they are weak and the enemies should kill them.

It was time consuming but eventually the achievement popped.Some Demon Flesh on your Bumper:Slayed 150 enemies with the Deuce.- This should come along as you play through the story. Just run over, shoot, or blow up enemies with the Deuce and you should get this in no time. Animals seem to not count toward this, so make sure you are fighting actual enemies.I've never touched an axe before:Personally smote 300 enemies.- This means killing them with your guitar.

This should come naturally as you progress through the story. It can be done in single player or multiplayer.Silence, Groundwalker!:Gained 5 or more seconds of hang time in a single jump.- I just drove off the first cliff I came across and got the achievement.Ringleader:Trapped 15 players in one ring of fire with the Fire Baron's Double Team.- This is best when you have a partner in multiplayer.

Get them to spawn 15 or more units. Gather them around in a bunch. Make sure your good with the car, I struggled getting this achievement as I wasn't very good at the driving in this game.

Circle around the enemies and do the ring of fire and the achievement should pop.Painkiller:Killed 25 enemies with the grinder of one Rock Crusher.- This is done in a custom match. When you're able to get the Rock Crusher, hop into it an run over your enemies.

You usually have to run them over twice, so make sure to do so. The achievement will pop once you've run over 25 enemies.Dollpocalypse:Hit 6 enemies with the explosion from a Brood's double team.- The Brood is the little baby stroller from the Drowning Doom unit. It would be easiest to complete with a partner, however it is doable against AI. Make sure you leave some towers for the enemy to take over so that they have plenty of enemies on their team. It will make this achievement a whole lot easier.Euthanasia:Hit 15 enemies with one Agony Ball using the Pain Lifter's double team.- The Pain Lifter can be found as part of the Tainted Coil unit. It's the giant catapult.

Make sure to leave a few towers for the enemy to take over so that you have plenty of enemies to fight. To get this, you don't actually have to hit them with the ball, but have to explode it and have it hit 15 enemies.Death From Above:Killed 20 enemies with one Bleeding Death- The Bleeding Death can be found as part of the Tainted Coil unit. You can summon it by playing a solo and he will come to your location. Make sure the enemies have a few towers that way there are plenty of enemies to kill.Coolest Thing Ever:Jumped over a Hextadon in the Deuce.- Hextadon's can be found in Death's Clutch. They don't always spawn, so keep driving in and out until you find one. I was lucky enough to find one right below the ramp when your leaving Death's Clutch, make sure to boost in The Deuce, you may not always make the jump! Here is a video I found that may be useful.

Carnivore:Run down 20 animals in the Deuce with the Coiling Maw equipped.- The Coiling Maw is free and can be found in the Motor Forge. The Urchins are the fastest way to getting this achievement.If You Want Blood, You Got It:Killed 20 Tainted Coil units with the Disgorger.- The Disgorger is free and can be found in the Motor Forge under 'Secondary Weapons'.

The Tainted Coil is the enemies you see around the map, not the animals. They can usually be found in Bladehenge.Cry Me a River:Kill 20 Drowning Doom units with the Eye of Sorrow.- The Eye of Sorrow is free and can be found in the Motor Forge under 'Primary Weapons'. The Drowning Doom units can be found in the swamp like area to the east of the map. Killed 20 units with the Eye of Sorrow and the achievement should pop.Beard Beard Action Beard:Make out with Ophelia while wearing the Mountain Man Threads.- The Mountain Man Threads are free and can be found in the Motor Forge under 'Threads'. You will find Ophelia under the Cross in BladeHenge. Here is a video to help you. A Face Like a Beast:Kill 15 enemies with a Metal Beast while wearing the Zaulia Threads.- The Zaulia Threads are free and can be found in the Motor Forge under 'Threads'.

Head to the swamp like area to the east of BladeHenge, jump on one of the metal beasts and begin killing enemies.Hammer of Infinite Fate Tourist:Play a multiplayer game on all Hammer of Infinite Fate multiplater maps.- You don't actually have to win, so feel free to surrender once the game begins. The maps are:.

Coiled Remains. Altar of Blood. The Amplified Cliffs. Crucible of the TitansHammer of Fate Champion:Win 10 games on Hammer of Infinite Fate maps. Ranked or Brutal AI.- This is tough, especially if you don't have a co-op partner. It's definately doable on Brutal AI, However it is much harder. See Hammer of Infinite Fate Tourist for the four Hammer of Infinite Fate maps.Whispering Rock:Chisel four Razputin heads onto Mt.

Rockmore.- The Razputin head is free and can be found in the Motor Forge. Heres a video of where Mount Rockmore is located and how to get the achievement.

Brutal Legend Concept Art
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